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Tempest Serenity Ainsley-Tennyson

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Text message to Abbey [10 Apr 2024|10:35am]

...I realize...might be with your...cousin? Dinner...maybe? Probably? Dunno. Abbs? Talk? Please?
6 +

Scene: Paris... Princess and Saint Lee doing all sorts of bad. [09 Apr 2024|09:28pm]

He sauntered through the hotel like he bloody well owned it. )
8 +

Text: Princess to Saint Lee [07 Apr 2024|01:53pm]

Saint Lee, Daney is giving me the chance to create the wedding we want, well as he put it I want, but I do not know what I want. I only know what it expected of me. In mother's case that would be to seamlessly slip into Theodore's place in the wedding they were planning which I know I do not want. In the case of my Grandmother and Glamma it would be to somehow top Dane and Rush's which considering theirs was planned by the palace wedding planners and the Queen himself, and was exceedingly traditional. Actually I do know what I truly want, which is to be back in New York with you in our apartment, even if it was yours before we met it is ours now. Maybe we can find a place a corner of a garden that is like our terrace and we can be married there. What if anything do you want?
26 +

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